Friday, July 25, 2008

160 Characters or Less

Just a few recent texts/bbm messages from my endlessly entertaining friends.


Hey! Slight change of plan...I'm off to Cuba to learn salsa. Our dinner will have to wait another week I'm afraid.

-a friend from London who was originally going to be in NY this weekend

Anyway, I was thinking Sunday night might not be the best time for us all to do dinner since Chris and I will probably just be having massive amounts of sex all night long.

-good reason to change dinner plans

Can I get you PIN?

(ok this wasn't a text, but this guy asked for my BB pin instead of my number. Cultural milestone?)

You're the kind of girl I'd try to talk to at a bar, but who'd turn around and ignore me.

-My boss, 10 minutes after we first met. He's cool, just extremely awkward.

June 12, around 9pm:
Julie (Juuulie, French): Where are you?
Me: Going home, need to finish packing tmrw!
Julie: Boo! Smoking pot and cigar in backyard. Come!

June 11, around 9pm:
Me: I'm're not coming?
Julie: Still in back yard. Guitar just brought out. Trying to get pot delivery. Bad news overall.

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